Weekly Outreach Update – 6/20 through 6/26/16

Wednesday – Downtown Oakland – Tim and I spent the afternoon in Oakland last Wednesday, and it was a very profitable day. I was able to give several Gospel presentations with the sketch board, and we had some good one-on-one conversations as well. Angelique was a professing Christian who pretended not to be at first, and was concerned with the way we approached Muslims (though we weren’t talking to any when she arrived). Pray for her. She seems very confused. Raymond was a gentleman we’ve talked to several times, who is looking for a good church. I got his number and will be contacting him. Finally, David was a fellow evangelist who works with SOS Ministries, which I’ve worked with in the past. He joined us for a while. It’s always great to see fellow evangelists out on the street. Sadly, it doesn’t happen often.

Friday – Downtown San Jose – We spent the evening near Caesar Chavez Park, since Music in the Park was going on. It was too loud right next to the park, so we walked down a block, hoping the foot traffic would be good enough for some preaching. Foot traffic was OK, but responses were great! James and I both preached a couple times, and had good interactions with passers-by. I had a good talk with a heckler (don’t remember the name, but we’ll have a video posted soon). Judy and I talked to a young many named Tony from South America, and it was an excellent talk. Pray God keeps working in his heart. Finally, James was able to encourage a couple young Christian women who were visiting from out of town, and who stopped to listen to the preaching. They missed several busses to stay and talk, and both received Two –in-One CDs (from Ray Comfort).

Saturday – Homeless Outreach at Home Church – Home Church partnered with a group called Meet The Challenge, which works with the homeless, and Tim and I came in to help. They bussed in about 150 men and women from local shelters for a meal and a sermon, and then ministry volunteers sit with the guests and talk about the Gospel. They also provided other services, such as free clothes and free haircuts. The sermon seemed good, though I didn’t know the pastor (and wasn’t nuts about his alter call), but I was able to join several other believers in counseling John (If I remember his name right). He seemed very convicted of his sins, and wanted prayer to help get and stay off drugs. He was weeping as we prayed for him. Please pray that God continues to work in him. Also, it looks like I may have further opportunities to work with the ministry, and even preach at one of their future events. Pray God makes His will clear in this.

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