It’s a wonderful time of year for family time, food, gifts, and of course remembering the greatest gift of all time, the grace of God given through Jesus Christ! If you’d like to help us spread the love of Christ, we’ll be out at Christmas in the Park sharing the truth for the remainder of December. Specific dates are below. I hope you’ll consider coming out to join us.
Friday, December 15th, 5:30PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 16th, 5:30PM to 9PM
Thursday, December 21st, 5:30PM to 9PM
Friday, December 22nd, 5:30PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 23rd, 5:30PM to 9PM
Thursday, December 28th, 5:30PM to 9PM
Friday, December 29th, 5:30PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 30th, 5:30PM to 9PM
(We’ll have additional outreaches as well. Let me know if you’d like to be added to our weekly text alerts)

Christmas in the Park – A view from the sketchboard. So many people who need to hear the Gospel!!

Partner With Us in Sharing the Good News!
As we approach 2024, I would like to thank the many of you who have prayed for us, joined us on the street (our local mission field) and partnered with us financially. All three are so important. My goal and prayer is still to be on that mission field full time. God continues to provide for all our needs, but I’d like to ask you to consider us in your charitable giving this coming year. Monthly giving and special gifts are a huge blessing, and allow this work to continue and grow. I’d love to give you more details, by phone or in person. You can give at the link below:
Feel free to give me a call if you have questions
You can also take a look at our previous newsletters and Facebook posts. I try to keep people up-to-date, and they give a good summary of what we’ve been up to.
My Facebook Page
I’d also like to ask for help in a few specific ways, for those of you who like to give to a particular project:
In May, Becky and I will be heading to Equador. This trip will include both attending our OAC international conference (our ministry has branches in over 30 countries!) and an week of street ministry in the capital city of Quito. I’ve been taking private Spanish lessons to help prepare for this (and for ministry in general). This will actually be the first time outside of North America for both of us, and we’re excited, and a bit nervous. But what an amazing opportunity!
I have been invited to return to Echo Ranch Bible Camp in Alaska as a chapel speaker again this July. If I can go, I’ll be teaching the 7 to 9 year-olds again. The ministry there was amazing this summer, and I’m excited about the possibility of going back. You can find out more about the camp at the link below. They are another ministry well worth supporting!
Echo Ranch Bible Camp
Many of you know I bought a new ministry vehicle recently, a compact pickup truck. It’s a hybrid, and is saving me hundreds of dollars on gas each month already. I’m also hoping to get a shell for the back so carrying my evangelism gear is easier, particularly for out-of-town events and festivals.

We pray every one of you has an amazing Christmas, and that God blesses you in the new year!
Dan and the Beaudoin family
OAC Norcal
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