Monday – Morgan Hill Fourth of July Parade – This is a great outreach opportunity, and one I attend every year. The Morgan Hill Freedom Fest Parade is an old-fashioned, small town style parade, and draws 10s of thousands of people from all over the area. I spent the morning walking the parade route, handing out tracts to those waiting, and then handing out even more as people were walking back to their cars. Many people remembered receiving tracts in previous years, and there were many encouraging words, which is always a blessing.
Wednesday – Pleasanton First Wednesdays Street Party – Another of my favorite events. Foot traffic was slower than usual, but I was still able to give several presentations, and Tim and the folks from Living Water Community Church handed out lots of tracts. It’s great to have partners in ministry! I also had the privilege of talking to a couple of Mormon missionaries who were also there to share their faith. The conversation was OK, but these two missionaries were not willing to talk much. I’ve found that some Mormon missionaries are very open, and very honest with what they believe, and are more than willing to have a fair exchange of ideas. These two were not. Please pray for them.
Friday – Downtown San Jose – Friday we went to our usual spot in downtown San Jose, near Starbucks. James, Diane, and Tim joined me, and there were some good conversations. Tim and I had a particularly intense conversation with Juan. Juan is an atheist, who stated that he was a mathematician and physicist. He loved science (which is great) but hated Christianity, and it because clear very quickly that he was not nearly as educated as he boasted, and was not even willing to consider Christian truth. I challenged him, more directly than I usually do, about his bias, and pointed him toward some online information he should consider. He initially said he would not, but after a few attacks on his pride (he was VERY prideful), he said he would look up the things I mentioned. Human pride can be an effective tool if you can turn it around on the person you’re talking to, and challenge them on being truly “open minded”. Please pray for Juan.
Saturday – Campbell Second Saturdays – Second Saturdays was slower that last month, but still provided some good opportunities. Early on a Christian couple came up and asked for prayer. The husband is looking for a job. Please pray he gets one soon. Judy also spoke with Kyle for over an hour. She had seen Kyle downtown before, and realized they had also met through jobs at a local school in the past. It opened up a great opportunity to proclaim the Gospel. Please pray for Kyle, and for all those who received tracts.
This Week’s Outreaches
I’m staying home today preparing for our upcoming church VBS, so there will be no mid-week outreach. We will be out Friday night and Saturday afternoon though. And don’t forget our Coffee and Questions get together next Wednesday night!!
Mountain View Outreach – Friday, July 15th, 6:30PM to 9:30PM
San Francisco Waterfront Outreach – Saturday, July 16th, 11AM – 3PM

Tim talking with Nicolas, who needs a job and is struggling with addiction. Please pray for him.

James preaching in San Jose

James preaching in San Jose

Set up for outreach! This month we brought a table as well as the Prayer Stand.

Judy sharing the Gospel with Kyle

Speaking with Juan the atheist

Fellowship during ministry in Campbell

Preaching with the small sketch board near Starbucks in San Jose

Preaching in Pleasanton
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