Hello all! Happy New Year!! I hope you all had a blessed holiday season, and that God is continuing to bless you in the new year.
Since this is my first update of 2025, I’d like to ask you all a question. ARE THESE UPDATES HELPFUL? Encouraging? How could I make them better? More pictures? Less? More stories? More video? More resource links or information on common questions? Please let me know. I don’t want to just share what I’m doing. I want to help you share the gospel message, and encourage you in your faith. So please let me know how I can improve my communication. THANKS!!
Dan B. OAC Norcal 408-768-9262 dan@yoursoulmatters.org
2025 Plans
I’m in the process of planning my schedule for the rest of 2025. I’ve love to hear your ideas for new places to share the gospel around the Bay Area. If you’d like to improve in that area, consider me a resource! I’ll be happy to help however I can.
Only part of my job is sharing the gospel. The other major part is encouraging other believers to share in their own lives. I regularly have folks new to public evangelism join me on the street. Sharing your faith can be scary. It’s a lot less scary if you have help, so let me help you!
I also want to help more churches reach their local communities this year. I think the three best opportunities locally are at Shopping Malls, Farmer’s Markets, CommunityFestivals and Kids Bible Clubs. I’d love to help encourage your church by:
Preaching/teaching on sharing the gospel
Having members join me for a specific outreach
Plan/help with an outreach designed to reach YOUR neighborhood
Sound interesting? Give me a call and I’ll share more.
Another Year at Christmas in the Park
We have been sharing Christ at Christmas in the Park for over a decade, and God continues to use the time. This year we moved to a different location, and continued to have many good conversations and Gospel encounters. And thousands of people received Gospel tracts! Please pray for all those who heard the gospel message, and for the believers who were encouraged to see it shared in public.

Christmas at KSCO
For a number of years Brenten Powers and I have been appearing regularly on local radio (KSCO 1040 Santa Cruz) with our friend and radio host Dave Michaels on the Flight 1080 Show. And once again this year, we were able to share the gospel with the radio audience just before Christmas. We were also joined by Pastor Dave from Calvary Chapel Capitola, a good friend and ministry partner. It was a great time!
You can also listen to the highlights on Brenten’s podcast. Just look up the Dwell on Truth show on the podcast app of your choice, or at the link below. Enjoy!
Preaching at Calvary San Mateo
I recently shared the message below at Calvary San Mateo. It is a message of encouragement about evangelism. If your congregation needs encouragement in this area, feel free to share this with your pastor and have him reach out to me. I can also speak on other topics related to sharing the gospel and defending the faith. Let me know how I can help!
New Church Home?
God made to clear to Becky and I recently that He was leading us to find a new church home. We have one in mind, and have started to attend, and we really like what we’ve seen. I’ve also had time to sit down with the head pastor, and our talk was very encouraging. We hope God will confirm that this is where He would have us land. We are not church-hoppers. We spent over a decade at our last church, and were very blessed by the people there, and want to make sure our new home will be long-term as well. Please pray for God’s wisdom and leading.
OAC National Conference
Every other year OAC USA hosts a conference for all our staff. This year the conference will be at Mount Hermon in the Santa Cruz mountains, and I’ll be helping to host. Please pray! We’ve also got a few people coming in early, and a few people staying a few days after. If you would be willing to host an individual or couple during that time (not to conference itself, that is covered) please let me know.
Also, we’ll have several of our overseas missionaries visiting, including my friend Traian, our director from Romania, who will be on a fund-raising trip. If you, your home group or your church would like to have him share with you, please let me know and I can help set something up. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it, and you will be encouraged!
Kids Bible Clubs
I’ve posted about this several times, and I’m still praying for opportunities to start local kids Bible clubs. I’m hoping to make this a priority in 2025. I’ve spent many years working in kids ministry, from Sunday School, to school Bible clubs, to preaching at summer camps, but the last regular kids club was shut down by Covid, and now that God is giving me more ministry time I want to get a couple going locally. If you or your church might be interested, let me know. I can help with training, location, and setting everything up. If done right, a neighborhood club can be very inexpensive to run, but we need volunteers, particularly women and youth, who are willing to help out on a regular basis. Let me know if you might be interested, and I’ll contact you with more info. Let’s reach out neighborhoods for Christ!
Support Update: (If you follow me on social media or get our text messages you’ve probably already seen this. 🙂
Most of you know that I have been splitting my time between secular work and ministry work for many years. God has been very good to us, and we have always had all we need. I’ve told people “Sometimes God sends money, sometimes He sends work.” I’m fine with either, though my desire has always been to focus exclusively on ministry, and I have been praying He would open those doors.
As of last week, the remainder of my regularly-scheduled secular work has dried up. I’m still employed and in good standing with the same two security companies I’ve been doing side work with for years (both of which God handed to me without having to apply or interview), but the assignments I’ve been working have ended and I have not been actively seeking new assignments. I believe God has been leading us to trust Him rather than me trusting in my ability to earn, and we are seeing Him move already! I am praying for wisdom, and I may be wrong, but I believe strongly that is where He is leading.
So, I would ask for your help with this. Please pray that God gives Becky and I wisdom in this. If you are praying for us, please continue to do so! If you are already supporting us financially, praise God for you! If not, and if God has blessed you to give, I would love to tell you more about our work. Please don’t deprive your church or other ministries you are supporting, but please consider giving to God’s work here in the Bay Area and the Silicon Valley, and/or passing our info on to your church leadership. Thanks!
For our support details, click HERE
And lastly, a video and some pictures from recent outreaches, just for fun!

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