Hello all! Here is our July newsletter. I’m working on catching up with our monthly updates, and should have our August newsletter out in a week or two. I’ll also be updating our outreach schedule soon, and will try to cover through October at least. We’ve got some big events coming up, so be sure you check our website frequently. The link is below. I’ve also included some pictures from recent outreaches. I hope they are an encouragement.
All for His glory,
Dan B.
- July 2017 Page 1
- July 2017 Page 2
For the PDF version of the newsletter, click HERE
For more pictures, check out and follow our Facebook page HERE
For our ministry information sheet, go HERE
You can subscribe to our email newsletter, send me an email at dan@yoursoulmatters.org
Our updated outreach schedule is HERE
For more information on Open Air Campaigners, or to support us, visit oacusa.org
Oakland Downtown Outreach – Wednesday, August 30th, 11AM to 2PM
Campbell First Fridays Outreach – Friday, September 1st, 6PM to 9PM
OAC Sketch Board Training – Saturday, September 2nd, 9AM to 3:30PM (tentative)
Santa Cruz Downtown Outreach – Saturday, September 2nd, 6PM to 9PM
- Alphonso and Eka at the tract table in Pleasanton
- TIm and Alphonso in downtown Berkeley
- This minister and his family stopped by in Santa Cruz.
- In Santa Cruz. Tim sharing with a contractor who was taking a break at the beach.
- Speaking with John, a Jewish gentleman, in Palo Alto. This is the fourth or fifth time we’ve spoken. It seemed to go well this time.
- This lady asked for a Bible. The books on the ground were from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. She later picked them up and threw them away.
- Preaching at Market and Powell in San Francisco
- Sharing the Gospel in San Jose. Pray for John, in the red. He is a devout Catholic, and we are planning to get together for coffee soon.
- In San Francisco. This man was very vocal, but would not stay to defend his view. Sadly, that happens a lot. But many will stay and talk if challenged.
- People gathering to watch in San Francisco
- Tim and Gino sharing in downtown San Jose
- Teenagers stopping to watch the sketchboard in Palo Alto
- James had a very good conversation with these young me. Please pray for them.
- James Bynum preaching the Gospel in Palo Alto
- My new Preach-O-Matic!!
- Tim reading from the book of Psalms in San Francisco
- Brothers in ministry. In downtown Campbell
- Sharing one-on-one in San Francisco
- Mamoud, an older Muslim gentleman, in Pleasanton. We had an amazing conversation.
- Preaching in downtown Mountain View.
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