Hi friends. Thank you for following this ministry, and thanks for taking the time to read this. I just wanted to send out a short update on what’s going on. There have been no major developments, the ministry has been going well, and I’ve got some encouraging stories and pictures to share. Please continue to pray for us as we go to the streets.
I’m also continuing to spend increased time on fundraising. I’m praying that, by God’s grace, we can be close to full funding by the end of this year. It will allow me much more time to focus on Ministry on the streets, in local schools, following up with those who need help, and providing training and resources to those who need it. Please consider partnering with us. If you want to know more, call me or email me, and let’s figure out a time where we can talk.
Kids Ministry Done for the School Year, Getting Ready for Summer!
We recently finished our Morgan Hill kids club for this year. It was a great year! I really enjoyed working with the kids. They seemed to enjoy the time each week too, and asked a lot of good questions. Sometimes I wondered how much they were really understanding, but then the questions they asked proved that they were really listening and understanding a lot. I’m really looking forward to next year, and hopefully to seeing some of the kids in vacation Bible school this summer.
Along those lines, if your church is planning any summer kids ministry, I’d love to help. I love telling kids about Jesus, and summer provides more opportunities for reaching out to our communities, and especially to kids. If you have a community Festival or VBS coming up I would love to help out as a Bible teacher. Please pass this on to your church staff, and let me know if they have any needs. Some of my teaching sketches are below.
After finishing a message at our Morgan Hill kids club Teaching for Kids Connection in Morgan Hill Some of our kids. I was inside getting prepared, and forgot to get in the picture! The Fruit of the Spirt message The Beatitudes The Armor of God Godly thoughts from Phillipians 4:8
Encouraging Words
Ministry in the Rain
Sometimes I have tried to avoid going out in bad weather, wondering how effective we can be in the rain. But over the last couple months Good has reminded me that He uses us regardless of the weather. I ended up braving the bad weather several times recently, specifically in Oakland, Berkeley and Palo Alto, and God blessed those times greatly. People were willing to brave the rain, or take the time to find a dry spot to talk. For example, one gentleman in Oakland, who had passed us on the street without taking a tract, yelled something at us as we were on the escalator going into the BART station. I challenged him to come down into the station to talk, and he did. We ended up talking for almost an hour! He had a lot of questions answered and went away encouraged.
I think one take-away from this is that God can use us even in difficult circumstances. Another is that people are very willing to talk if we can explained the Gospel clearly and respectfully defend it. In another recent situation, where it was dry but quite cold, we had a could young Muslim men stop to talk. One was wearing a T-shirt and was so cold he was hopping up and down to stay warm, but didn’t want to stop the conversation! So don’t doubt what God is willing or able to do. Just be faithful, no matter the circumstances, and God will use you.
Keep Coming Back
Another thing I’ve noticed more recently is that consistently visiting the same places means opportunities for follow-up conversations, and to reach people at a deeper level. I’ve seen this in my own evangelism over the years, and God has really reminded me of that recently. For instance, there are several vendors at the local farmers market I attend that I’ve been able to talk to multiple times, and who are open to further conversation.
I’m not a bit fan of what is often called “friendship evangelism”, since the friendship often becomes more important than the evangelism, and because we don’t know how long any person has until they stand before God, making the clear proclamation of the Gospel a clear priority. But at the same time we mush work on building relationships around that proclamation. I did not come to Christ immediately, and I’d be willing to bet most of you didn’t either. It took time, and we need to be willing to spend time with those God brings into our lives. If you approach
Set up in Redwood City near Courthouse Square Steve, Dave, and Alex sharing with a student at UC Berkeley. This man starting as a heckler when I was preaching, then came back and heard the Gospel. He left a bit hostile. Please pray for him. His name is Donovan. Set up in the plaza at the intersection of Sproul Plaza and Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley. With Nick and Judy at our tract table, Valley Fair maill. Sharing the Gospel in Campbell A rainy afternoon at San Jose State University. Jehovah’s Witnesses set up near the library Set up at an intersection near the Library and San Jose State in downtown San Jose. With our friends from Creekside Community Church at the Cupertino Farmer’s Market Preaching through the rain in Oakland. This young evangelist joined Dave and I in Oakland. Nick and I at the train station in downtown San Jose. Another rainy eventing outreach.
Praises and Prayer Requests
Adult ministry continues to go well. We are working at setting up for summer ministry and working on getting another kids Bible club set up for next fall. Please pray that God makes that possible.
As some of you know, we had multiple injuries in the Beaudoin house recently, and during March we were all sick. We are recovering now, but it’s been a tough couple of months. We are worn out and could really use prayer.
Partially because of sickness and injury finances have been tight. God is providing, but it will take time to catch up. I’m also starting to make slow progress on support raising. Please pray God gives me the wisdom and boldness to continue. It is still a big area of struggle for me.
Outreach Schedule
Cupertino Farmers Market Outreach – Friday, April 12th, 10AM to 12PM
Stanford University Outreach – Wednesday, April 17th, 11AM to 2PM
Cupertino Farmers Market Outreach – Friday, April 19th, 10AM to 12PM
Mountain View Outreach – Friday, April 19th, 6PM to 9PM
San Jose Downtown Outreach – Saturday, April 20th, 10AM to 2PM
UC Berkeley Outreach – Wednesday, April 24th, 11AM to 2PM
Cupertino Farmers Market Outreach – Friday, April 26th, 10AM to 12PM
Palo Alto Outreach – Friday, April 26th, 6PM to 9PM
San Francisco Outreach – Saturday, April 27th, 11AM to 3PM
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