
If you are here because you talked to me in person or were handed a tract by me or one of my friends, I glad you decided to visit.  Your soul DOES matter to me, and nothing is more important than the state of your soul before God.  If this is your first time here, or if you are not sure of how you stand before God, please go HERE first to find out more about what comes next.

One of the primary reasons I created this site was to provide an easy way to communicate with those I have the privilege of talking to on the street.  I also wanted a way to post resources I find in answer to questions I hear.  You can find some of those resources in the What Abouts section HERE.  The questions there are some of the most common I have heard.  Feel free to suggest your own as well.

I would also really like to hear from anyone who is encouraged or challenged by what I post, or anyone who just wants to talk. If you have a contrary opinion, feel free to express it, just do so respectfully.  You can comment on any post (comments are moderated, so be patient), or email me at  I will try to respond to every comment and email, if I can.  You can also email me if you want regular updates on what I’m doing, go ahead and join my Mailchimp email update list.

God bless, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Dan B.

(NOTE: If you have trouble reaching me here, you can also reach me via my Facebook page. Also be aware that any use of personal attacks, blasphemy, or profanity with mean no response and your email being blocked, so please be polite. )

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