Weekly Outreach Update 5/16 to 5/22/16

Hello all!  I’ve posted this week’s outreach schedule below,
as well as last week’s outreach report, and links to the two prior
weeks.  I’m still working on rearranging my outreach updates,
emails, social media posts, etc. so they are as convenient, helpful, and
informative as possible.  I would love your feedback on
this.  How often do you read the updates I send?  Are the
short, weekly updates here and/or on Facebook encouraging?  How far
in advance do you need to see events for there to be a chance to join
us?  Is there other information you’d like to see?  Please let
me know, and pray that I have the wisdom to listen to advice and make
the best choices.

Wednesday – Coffee and Questions at Home Church

This event is still a work in progress, and time will tell whether it
is effective.  This was our second trial.  We announced it
more, handed out flyers, and posted it online.  We didn’t have a
lot of people, but we did have a couple drive quite a distance to
come.  They were relatively new to public evangelism, and seemed
very encouraged after talking to Judy, Pastor Randy and I.  That
alone made it worthwhile.  Please pray next month’s event goes even
better, and that God gives us wisdom in this, and regarding future
outreaches to our community.

Thursday – San Francisco Waterfront

Tim and I headed to San Francisco on Thursday, and since the wind was
too strong for the regular sketch board, I took my small sketch board
and we headed to the Pier 39/Fisherman’s Wharf area.  This is the
biggest tourist area in the city, and even mid-week it was busy.
We were able to hand out quite a few tracts, and I read from scripture
(the Sermon on the Mount), and preached with the small sketch
board.  We will definitely come back here, but likely only with the
small board.  The area is controlled pretty tightly by the Port
Authority, due to all the street performers, but I think we can still
make it work.

I didn’t do any weekend outreaches, since Friday and Saturday were
spent at our church family camp, and Sunday was spend with Becky
celebrating our anniversary.  It was a great time of rest, and much
needed.  Our church family is a blessing, and it was great to
spend more time with them.  It was also fantastic to spend the day
with my lovely wife.  We will be married 20 years on the 30th,
and she has been a blessing in more ways than express.  I am
particularly grateful for her patience as I transition to
ministry.  It has been a challenge at times, and I couldn’t do this
without her.  I’m praying for many, many more anniversaries like
this one.

I also had the privilege of meeting with a pastor at a local Korean
congregation earlier in the week.  It looks like I may have the
privilege of speaking at a Friday Bible study near the end of the month,
and possibly giving additional evangelism training in August.
Please pray that works out.

As always, your prayers are essential to our ministry.  Please
continue to lift us up, for future outreaches, additional laborers, and
financial support.  Also, please pray as we work on planning a
Vacation Bible School to be hosted at our church, God willing.

All for His glory,


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