Hello all! Just wanted to send out a brief update, since It’s been a while. I’m debating between sending November newsletter, or combining it with December. I’ll probably combine them, since life has been so busy. By God’s grace, it’s been busy primarily for good reasons, but that still cuts down on time. I’ve got a few pictures below, some praise reports, and some requests for help and prayer. I’ll keep it short, so please take the time to read it, pass it on, and lift us up in prayer.
New Ministry Vehicle – We were recently given a large cash gift by one of our regular supporters, and by the grace of God we are purchasing a new ministry/family vehicle! It is a Dodge Grand Caravan, which was one of our first choices. It is an older model, but with VERY low mileage, and it appears to be in excellent condition. This is huge, because we have a daughter who needs a car to use (she’ll be taking my old one), and now I will be able to put my Preach-o-matic to use. Both will be a huge help. We’re hoping to complete the purchase process in the next couple days, so please lift that up in prayer.
Side Work – God has provided a lot of side work for me, which has really helped us financially. It’s taken away some ministry time, but in the short term it’s been a blessing.
Kids Bible Clubs – The kids club I am participating in at our church has been going well, and the kids have been very engaged with the Gospel presentations. We’ll have our final meeting of the year in a few weeks, and it looks like I’ll have an opportunity to share with the families as well. We’ve also had our first meeting for the club we’re planting in Cupertino, and will be heading out again tomorrow. Please pray God continues to bless those opportunities.
University Ministry – By God’s grace, I’m continuing to build connections at San Jose State and UC Berkeley. I’m also hoping to get back out to Stanford for ministry soon, which will be interesting since I’ve been doing a lot of contract security work there. Please pray for all these locations.
Prayer Requests
Christmas in the Park – Christmas in the Park opens this weekend! Sadly, I’ll have to wait until next week to start (I’ve got a very busy work weekend, that will help us get through the holidays), but plan to be out there two or three days a week through December. Please pray for the outreach.
On a side note, this is one of the best opportunities to get more experience in evangelism, and to encourage your church family, Christian friends, and your church. I would be happy to provide an afternoon of basic evangelism training, followed by an evening of outreach. The group could be as small as three or four, but I could accommodate larger groups as well. If this interests you, let me know, and let’s get something planned sooner rather than later. Christmas is busy, so let’s talk soon!
Ministry Visit – For the last couple years my boss Eric Briscoe has come to visit, both for encouragement and accountabilty. This year, our evangelist-at-large, Paul Adams, will be coming instead. Paul spends a good amount of time travelling to train people in evangelism, and he’s the one that first trained me on the sketch board. I’m looking forward to the time, but don’t have the space to host him at my house. If you or someone you know would be willing to host him, please let me know. He’ll be here from December 5th through the 9th or 10th.
Support and Opportunities– Please prayerfully consider supporting us, financially and through prayer. As God continues to provide ministry connections and opportunities, we are praying for the finances to take advantage of them. Even a small monthly amount helps. But that being said, do not allow lack of funds stop you or your church from reaching out. If there is any way I can help encourage or equip you, please let me know. God has provided, and I know He will continue to.
Cupertino Kids Club –Monday, November 20th, 4PM to 6:30PM
Downtown San Jose Outreach – Tuesday, November 21st, 11AM to 2PM (tenative)
San Jose State Outreach – Wednesday, November 22nd, 11AM to 2PM
Cupertino Kids Club –Monday, November 27th, 4PM to 6:30PM
Berkeley Downtown Outreach – Wednesday, November 1st, 11AM to 2PM
Word Play Meeting at Home Church – Thursday, November 29thrd, 3PM to 5:30PM
Christmas in the Park Outreach – Friday, November 30th, 6PM to 9PM
Christmas in the Park Outreach – Saturday, December 1st, 6PM to 9PM
- Sharing with a young girl in Palo Alto. She was 15. She listened to the Gospel carefully and asked good questions.
- James in a long conversation with two young men. The man in the middle, who did all the talking, is a PHD student at Stanford, and is very bright.
- Handing out tracts in downtown San Jose after preaching at San Jose State. Decided to take a window selfie, since I was out alone.
- These young men jumped from question to question a lot, and were a bit mocking, but they did stay, and heard the Gospel. Pray for them.
- Welcome to the Bay Area! Three drag queens putting on an exhibition of sorts on the San Jose State campus.
- Judy sharing the Gospel in Campbell. She used to work with the two ladies in the middle. They stayed for a whole skechboard presentation. It was a blessing!
- Teaching the kids at Word Play, our church kids club.
- Dave from SOS Minstries sharing with students at UC Berkeley.
- Veing, a campus pastor and missionary at UC Berkeley, preaching the Gospel.
- The sketchboard set up on our porch for Halloween. Melody, who pushed me to set it up, is next to it. A lot of tracts went out.
- Our outreach booth at the Home Church Harvest Festival.
- Scott sharing the Gospel in downtown Palo Alto.
- James preaching the Gospel on University Ave. in Palo Alto.
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