OAC – Bay Area 2018 Church Plans and Parterships

Hi friends, and Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a safe weekend, and are looking forward to 2018, as I am.  I’ve attached a few pictures of recent outreaches.  I hope they are an encouragement, and I’ll be sending a newsletter with more details in the next week.  God has been very good, and provided many divine appointments.  Please pray that He continues to work in the hearts of the many who heard His truth this season.

As I am planning my 2018 ministry schedule, I’m sure many of your church leaders (maybe that’s you) are doing the same.  I would very much like to talk about partnering with you or your church to help meet your evangelism/outreach goals.  As an evangelist, training and encouraging other believers is as much a goal and responsibility for me as sharing the Gospel on the streets, and church contacts like you make that possible.  If you are not in the Bay Area, that’s OK.  I have contacts in many areas around the country, and know many good Christian missionary evangelists.  I might be able to help you connect with one.  But for those in Northern California, here are some ideas, and I would encourage you to pass them on to or discuss them with your pastor.

Evangelism Training and Trips
Sharing the Gospel is a command, but it is also a learned skill, and one that must be practiced if it is to be done well.  That means training, and opportunities to put what you learn into practice.  A good way to jump-start that is either a one-day crash course, or a series of weekly classes, followed by practice and experience on the street.  Not everyone is meant to be a street evangelist, but every believer can be benefitted and emboldened by the experience.  I’d love to help your congregation get that experience.

Reaching Your Neighborhood
Local events and festivals can be a great way to reach your local community.  Whether it’s a festival you participate in, or one you run, a few well trained people and a table of literature and Bibles can be a great tool.  It’s a chance not only to talk about your church, but about the Savior.  Parades, farmers markets, art and wine festivals and harvest festivals all work very well.  When approached well, you’ll be surprised how people respond!

Kids Bible Clubs
I’m working on planting local Bible kids clubs around the Bay Area.  These clubs are generally simple, using games, songs, visual presentations and object lessons to communicate the basic truths of the Gospel.  They are not expensive, but to be most effective there needs to be a local church involved, to provide volunteers to help, to follow up with the families and to disciple those who come to Christ.  Could your church be such a church?

School Clubs
This is an area I have been investigating.  Yes, there are government guidelines, but lunch alternative or after-school clubs in middle schools and high schools are a possibility too, and are a great opportunity to reach the next generation during their formative years.  The one caviat is that generally need to be student organized and or lead, and/or hosted by a teacher.  Want to find out more?  Me too!  Lets talk.  I’ve got good connections that will help us navigate the barriers.

Vacation Bible School
Another great way to reach out to families through their kids is, of course, vacation Bible schools.  But your VBS does not have to be a huge production.  The outlines we use for our kids Bible clubs can be used for a VBS as well, and can be done on church lawn or even in a local park.  Even a simple event that focuses on the basics of the faith can have a huge impact on kids.

If any of these ideas sound interesting, please let me know.  I’d love to be a resource for you, your church, or your small group, and I’m very available to talk about details.  I would also ask that you pray that God opens opportunities for us with other churches as well, and that God provides the funding to keep this work going, and to help it grow.  I never charge for any of my work, but financial needs are real, and the more people and local churches and individuals that partner will our ministry, the more opportunities I’ll be able to move forward with.  So please be in prayer for Open Air Campaigners and our Bay Area ministry.  Thanks, and God bless!

All for His glory,
Dan Beaudoin


Teaching the final Christmas message at our Word Play kids club.

Preaching The Reason for the Season, my Christmas sketch board message.

Preaching the Gospel at Christmas in the Park

Our Christmas in the Park outreach location.

James and Pastor Manny in a very good conversation with a couple of young men.

My younger daughter Melody helping with Christmas outreach.

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