Hello all! Thanks for following our ministry updates. January was a good month, and February has been going well too. I’ve listed a few praises and prayer requests below, along with upcoming outreaches and some pictures. I hope you will be encouraged and reminded to pray for us. We need it!
Advisory Board – I have been thinking about, and will be praying about, forming an advisory board for our local ministry. Many of my fellow missionaries have such a board, a small group of mature believers, to bounce ideas off of, to help keep them accountable, to get out the word about the ministry, and to help them raise support. I have some people I am considering asking about this, but if you would like to be considered, please let me know.
What Abouts – The What Abouts page on my blog has a list of commonly asked questions regarding the Christian Faith, along with links to good articles, sermons and videos addressing them. I’m starting to work (slowly) on more updates and would like to hear what YOUR questions are (either those you have asked, or those you have been asked). I just added some resources on “How Can You Trust the Bible if It Was Written By Men” under the BIBLE section. I’d also love feedback on the rest of what is already posted. You can visit the site HERE. I hope to hear from you, and feel free to share the link on social media.
Upcoming Training – I’m preparing for evangelism training at a couple local churches (including mine), and am putting together a new set of training notes, with a little shift in emphasis. I will also be spending more time on transitioning from natural to spiritual conversation in every day life (something that is a challenge for me too). I would appreciate prayer that God will guide me in this.
Prep for Summer Ministry and VBS – I’m trying to get a jump on this for 2018. If you are planning a VBS for your church and would like something different to supplement the teaching portion, please let me know. I’m also hoping for some on-the-street kids 5-day clubs in the area. If you or your church are interested in participating, let me know.
Kids Ministry – We’ve had some successful kids ministry recently, but I’d really like some long-term, ongoing kids clubs, and those doors haven’t happened yet. Please continue to pray for this.
University Ministry – University ministry has been very good at San Jose State, Stanford, and UC Berkeley, but all three universities have rules restricting signs and tables, so I am not able to bring my sketch board and literature onto campus. I’ve made contact with several Christian campus clubs, and am praying God uses those contacts to help that happen. Please pray.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please keep us in prayer and pass this along to others who might be interested. God bless!
All for His glory,
Dan Beaudoin
For the PDF version of our latest newsletter, click HERE
For more ministry pictures, check out and follow our Facebook page HERE
For our ministry information sheet, go HERE
You can subscribe to our email newsletter, send me an email at dan@yoursoulmatters.org
Our updated outreach schedule is HERE
For more information on Open Air Campaigners, or to support us, visit oacusa.org
San Jose State Outreach – Wednesday, February 14th, 11AM to 2PM
We will be on the 7th Street Plaze, between the Music Building and the Student Health building
Mountain View Downtown Outreach – Friday, February 16th, 6PM to 9PM
We will set up on Castro St., across from Red Rock Coffee
San Francisco Waterfront Outreach – Saturday, February 17th, 11AM to 3PM (Times Subject to Change)
Exact location is to be determined. Contact us if you plan to come
Oakland Downtown Outreach – Wednesday, February 21st, 11AM to 2PM
We will be on Broadway, between 13th St. and 14th St.
Palo Alto Outreach – Friday, February 23rd, 6PM to 9PM
We will set up in Lytton Plaza, near Pizza My Heart
San Francisco Downtown Outreach – Saturday, February 24th, 11AM to 3PM
We will set up near the Cable Car turnaround at the intersection of Market and Powell
- A view from the board onto the UC Berkeley campus.
- Dave and I had a great conversation with these two young men at the edge of the UC Berkeley campus.
- Downtown Redwood City on a Friday night. It’s a beautiful spot to share the Gospel!
- My newest sketch. It’s been working well to start conversations.
- This young man was very impacted by the Gospel. Please pray with him.
- Fellowship around the sharing of the Gospel in Campbell.
- Downtown Cambpell at night.
- Even with generally light foot traffic, we can get some decent crowds in Redwood City.
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