Hello all! Thanks for following our ministry updates. I’ve listed a few praises and prayer requests below (many the same as last week), along with upcoming outreaches and some pictures. I pray you are encouraged.
Ministry Support – We are getting close to the end of our giving time for next month. Please consider supporting us if you are able. You can donate HERE. If you would like to talk and find out more about our ministry, give me a call or send me an email at dan@yoursoulmatters.org.
Kids Ministry – Most of you probably know that this is an area I am anxious to do more with, but God has not opened the doors yet. I am continuing to try to build connections, and I’ve been walking some local neighborhoods praying over them. Please pray God opens doors soon, and that I have the wisdom to see them, and the boldness to walk through them.
Tract Gift Cards – I go through a LOT of Gospel tracts, and one way you can help more directly is by providing gift cards for the primary ministries I buy my tracts from. The links are below.
Tract Planet
Living Waters
Advisory Board –Many of my fellow Open Air Campaigners missionaries have an advisory board, a small group of mature believers, to bounce ideas off of, to help keep them accountable, to get out the word about the ministry, and to help them raise support. I am hoping to start a board for our local ministry. Please pray for wisdom and let me know if you are interested in helping.
What Abouts – The What Abouts page on my blog has a list of commonly asked questions regarding the Christian Faith, along with links to good articles, sermons and videos addressing them. I’m working on updating it and would like to hear what YOUR questions are (either those you have asked, or those you have been asked). Email your questions to me at dan@yoursoulmatters. The current page is HERE.
Upcoming Training – I’m preparing for evangelism training at a couple local churches and am putting together a new set of training notes. Prayer is appreciated, and please let me know if your church could use evangelism training as well. I want to put together a program that will help other local churches prepare their members to share their faith as well.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please keep us in prayer and pass this along to others who might be interested. God bless!
All for His glory,
Dan Beaudoin
- Set up in downtown Mountain View
- Trying out a new spot in San Francisco, near Fisherman’s Wharf
- Sharing the Gospel in downtown San Jose, near the main branch library
- A couple gentlemen on a business trip from India who stopped to talk. One lived five minutes from SAIACS, the online Bible school I attend!
- Nick, one of our most faithful volunteers
- A couple from Grace Bible Fellowship who came out to join us for the first time.
For the PDF version of our latest newsletter, click HERE
For more ministry pictures, check out and follow our Facebook page HERE
For our ministry information sheet, go HERE
You can subscribe to our email newsletter, send me an email at dan@yoursoulmatters.org
Our updated outreach schedule is HERE
For more information on Open Air Campaigners, or to support us, visit oacusa.org
Oakland Downtown Outreach – Wednesday, February 21st, 11AM to 2PM
We will be on Broadway, between 13th St. and 14th St.
Palo Alto Outreach – Friday, February 23rd, 6PM to 9PM
We will set up in Lytton Plaza, near Pizza My Heart
San Francisco Downtown Outreach – Saturday, February 24th, 11AM to 3PM
We will set up near the Cable Car turnaround at the intersection of Market and Powell
San Jose State University Outreach – Wednesday, 28th, 11AM to 2PM
We will be on the 7th Street Plaza, between the Music Building and the Student Health building
Campbell First Fridays Outreach – Friday, March 2nd, 6PM to 9PM
We will be at the corner of 1st Street and Campbell Ave., across from Starbucks
Santa Cruz Downtown Outreach – Saturday, March 3rd, 6PM to 9PM
We will be set up on Pacific Ave. The location will depend on what’s available, so let us know if you will be coming.
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