Hello all! Wow, it has been way too long since I’ve posted an update. Life has been good, but very busy (as usual). I’ve attached our latest newsletter, and I pray you’ll take time to read it and pass it on to others who might be interested. With this kind of ministry, most people hear of it by word-of-mouth. That means you guys have a huge impact on ministry opportunities. Please help us as we strive to honor God by spreading His gospel!
A couple bullet-points:
- I addition to the newsletter, I’ve attached a few pictures from our last couple weeks of ministry. I hope they are an encouragement.
- I’m continue to develop my evangelism training course, which is designed to provide both the theological and practical foundations for sharing the Christian faith. If your church needs this kind of training and encouragement, please let me know.
- God continues to provide, but often through work rather than ministry time, and money is tight. We are still praying for full support, so we can focus on the public proclamation of the Gospel. Please consider partnering with us, if you are able. If you would like more information, you can download our information sheet below, or I would be happy to have a face-to-face meeting over coffee or a meal. Phone is fine too, if you’re not local.
- You can also support us more directly through gift
- Please pray regularly for our outreaches. Evangelism is spiritual warfare, and God honors the prayers of His people. Please lift us up!! Also, please keep an eye open for our outreach updates. I’ll have more future ministry dates posted on this site and on Facebook soon.
Thanks, and God bless.
All for His glory,
Dan Beaudoin
For the PDF version of our latest newsletter, click HERE
For more ministry pictures, check out and follow our Facebook page HERE
For our ministry information sheet, go HERE
You can subscribe to our email newsletter, send me an email at dan@yoursoulmatters.org
Our updated outreach schedule is HERE
For more information on Open Air Campaigners, or to support us, visit oacusa.org
Events are subject to change on occasion, so contact me if you plan to attend one.
Mountain View Outreach – Friday, April 20th, 6PM to 9PM
Downtown San Jose Outreach – Saturday, April 21st, 11AM to 3PM
San Jose State Outreach – Wednesday, April 25th, 11AM to 2PM
Palo Alto Outreach – Friday, April 27th, 6PM to 9PM
San Francisco Downtown Outreach – Saturday, April 28th, 11AM to 3PM

Preaching to a group of teens in Redwood City

New location in Redwood City near Five Guys. Much better foot traffic here!

Set up across the square from the Hari Krishnas, who have a large event in Palo Alto once a month. We just happened to show on the same date two months in a row. Makes preaching harder, but brings in great conversations.

A Hebrew Israelite willing to stop and talk politely. They tend to be very aggressive and abusive, particularly in groups, so this was an unusual blessing.

A cold, rainy night outside the San Jose Convention Center during Fanime Con. Despite the weather, it was a good night.

Nick and Brett passing out tracts and talking with those attending Comic Con.

Comic Con gets busier every year. The crowds were huge!

James preaching outside Comic Con.

Speaking to an atheist (Dave was his name, I think) outside Comic Con. He left unconvinced, but was polite, and took a business card. Praying we can talk again.

Johnny the atheist. He claimed to be careful thinker, but could not listen to an opposing view for more than a few seconds before resorting to rhetoric, invectives, and personal attacks. He is very lost. Please pray for him.

Passing out tracts at Comic Con.

Wilson and Jasmine stopped by at Stanford. They are both Stanford graduates, and were on campus to share the Gospel. What a blessing and an encouragement!

Out with the table and sketch board for Second Saturdays in Campbell.

Judy had a great conversation with Theresa, a homeless lady I’ve spoken with a couple times. She seemed to be impacted by the Gospel, and asked for a Bible.
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