Hello all! I pray God is comforting and providing for you all during this difficult time. I wanted to give another quick update on what’s going on with us and the ministry during the Coronavirus outbreak and the shelter-in-place.
Online Evangelism Training
As I mentioned in my last update, I’ve been working on online evangelism training. I have a four-part training series I’ve developed and taught live, and I’ve now finished teaching all four parts online. I also recorded every lesson, and I’m in the process of uploading the lessons to YouTube. If you’re interested in watching them, let me know and I’ll be happy to send you the links. The lessons are available for your use, and for those who attended, but they will be uploaded as private videos, so you’ll have to email me and request the link. They are a bit rough, but I think the information and interaction was good, and that they will be helpful to people. So, if you’re interested, send me an email at dan@yoursoulmatters.org and I’ll keep you updated.
I’m also considering another approach to online training. I’m considering taking each training session (they are about an hour each), breaking them into smaller segments, perhaps 15 minutes apiece, and posting them separately. I’m hoping that breaking the training into smaller chunks will make it easier for people to listen to repeatedly so they can really digest the information. What do you think? Is that something you’d be interested in? If so, let me know.
Online Preaching Videos
I was just able to post a video of my last open-air outreach before the shelter in place started. I was invited to join a group of believers in homeless outreach in Santa Cruz, CA. We had a time of prayer and worship, provided food and some basic necessities, and then I shared a message. The link to the message in below. I hope it will encourage you, and that you’ll consider sharing it across your social media sites.
I’m also planning some additional videos, which I plan to film at home and put into a PowerPoint presentation, so I can add text with key Bible verses. I’m not sure exactly what it’s going to look like yet, since I’m still very new to video editing and presentations of this type, so I would appreciate your prayer and your feedback as I work through these things. I still want to be doing all I can to share the Gospel, even when we can’t leave home, and knowing how what I do impacts you and others out there makes a big difference.
Ask An Evangelist
This is another project I put together, along with some other missionaries from Open Air Campaigners. The idea was to start an open forum using Zoom (online meeting software) where we could present some challenging ideas, discuss the Biblical response, and then open the floor to all comers. We were hoping people would invite non-believing friends and family as well as attending themselves. The first one didn’t have much attendance, but we were able to have a couple good presentations and a good round-table style discussion. The subject was The Pandemic and Other Questions. The video is below.
Ask An Evangelist – The Pandemic and Other Questions – https://youtu.be/n0vwyqsxeXo
We are planning a second meeting and will be praying for more people. Please pray that God uses our time and efforts to reach more people with the Gospel. The tentative plan is to hold it this coming Friday at 1PM Pacific time. You can check our ministry events (link is below) to keep up with details, and we hope you’ll not only come, but invite those who don’t know Christ. The next subject will be The Problem of Evil, one of the most common objections against Christianity, so it should be fun!
Open Air Campaigners Bay Area – Events Page – https://www.facebook.com/groups/OACBayArea/events/
Other Ministry Opportunities

I’ve had other opportunities come my way too. My good friend Brenten and I were able to do our monthly radio show on KSCO 1080 in Santa Cruz a few weeks ago, and we have another show coming up this Wednesday from 4PM to 7PM. We will be broadcasting live to the Santa Cruz area, and online at the link below. I’m not sure what we’ll be discussing, but we always have good conversations and interesting callers. Please listen in, share the link when I post it, and call in if you have a comment or idea. We hope to hear from you!
LISTEN IN TO KSCO HERE – http://ksco.com/shows/39597-flight-1080
Call in to 831-479-1080
I also had the privilege of spending the evening with the Home Church youth group last night. We discussed what I call the Four Pillars (truths that are necessary for a person/group to be considered Christian) and the Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel movement. It was a great time, and the youth had some great questions. I’m hoping I’ll be able to join them again.
I’m also available to join your church, youth group or Bible study group online if you are interested. My area of specialty is sharing the Gospel, of course, but I’m open to other subjects too. I’m also interested in telling more people about Open Air Campaigners and what God is doing through our ministry in the Bay Area. So if either of these sounds interesting, please let me know.
Praise and Prayer
We are very thankful that God is providing for us during this difficult time. I’ve been working a lot, as well as doing what I can with online ministry. I think I might actually be busier than usual! Please pray that God will help me balance everything that is going on.
We are also praising God that we are all healthy, and that our families are as well.
We are dealing with some difficult personal situations right now that could really use prayer. I can’t share the details, but God knows them. Please pray.
As I mentioned above, we would love to tell you more about Open Air Campaigners, and how you can support us. We can talk over the phone, or over Zoom, or Skype, or the video conferencing software of your choice. I can even share my usual PowerPoint presentation remotely. So please let me know when you’re available and let’s talk. I hope you’ll consider joining our support team.
God bless and stay healthy! Let me know if you have any prayer needs.
Dan B.
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