Weekly Update 7/18 to 7/24/16 & This Week’s Outreaches

Wednesday – Downtown San Jose – We headed to downtown San Jose on Wednesday, and had pretty good time.  We had a particularly good conversation with a young man named Patrick.  He is living in a sober environment home, working on his addictions, and sounds like he has had a rough life.  He had a lot of questions, and tended to skip around a lot, but was very interested in talking about the Gospel.  Tim, Gino and I spent over an hour with him, and invited him to our Coffee and Questions time at Home Church.  He said he would do what he could to make it.  I was also able to give a couple of presentations with the mini sketch board.

Wednesday Evening – Coffee and Questions @ Home Church – Patrick was as good as his word, and joined Tim, Pastor Randy Wing and I in the evening. We talked for a long time, about more subjects than I could remember, and I think it was a very profitable time.  We were able to pray with Patrick, and invited him to join us for Sunday service.  He did!  Please pray for Patrick, that God would continue to work in his heart.

Saturday – Santa Cruz Beach – We spend Saturday afternoon at the beach near the boardwalk.  We have a regular spot there now, and despite arriving late due to traffic, Tim and I had a very good time of outreach.  Santa Cruz has more than its share of colorful characters, and they were certainly out Saturday.  There were two particularly good conversations.  Jeff was a believer who stopped to watch one of my sketches, and had tears in his eyes as the Gospel was preached.  He also shared a bit of his testimony, and he had been through a lot in the process of coming to Christ.  It was very encouraging.  Then just as we were about to leave, Lisa came to watch the last sketch.  Lisa is homeless, and I’m sure I’ve seen her when ministering in Santa Cruz before, though I don’t think we’ve talked.  Tim noticed her focus on the message, introduced himself, and then brought her over.  She had lots of good questions, and took a bible, as well as Gospel tracts.  I also gave her my folding reading glasses, which I had brought.  I didn’t need them, since the text on my Kindle is big enough for me to read comfortably without them, but something prompted me to tuck them into my pocket.  Now I know why.  She was very excited to get them!  Please pray she finds a good local church that will help get her off the street.


This Week’s Outreaches
Downtown Oakland OutreachJuly 27th, 1PM to 4PM

Palo Alto OutreachJuly 29th, 6:30PM to 9:30PM

Santa Cruz Outreach – July 30th, 6PM to 9PM


Gino and Patrick talking about the Gospel.

Gino and Patrick talking about the Gospel.

Gino, Patrick and I in San Jose.

Gino, Patrick and I in San Jose.

Preaching with the small sketch board

Preaching with the small sketch board

Full size version of my Judge Not presentation, originally designed for the small sketch board.

Full size version of my Judge Not presentation, originally designed for the small sketch board.

Jeff, Tim and I. The fellowship of believers is a sweet thing!

Jeff, Tim and I. The fellowship of believers is a sweet thing!

This is Daniel Thomas.  He looks mad, but was just very intense.  He also barked at the end of his sentences.  Welcome to Santa Cruz!

This is Daniel Thomas. He looks mad, but was just very intense. He also barked at the end of his sentences. Welcome to Santa Cruz!

Another member of the "God is love, don't talk about sin" crowd.  He was polite enough, but very lost.

Another member of the “God is love, don’t talk about sin” crowd. He was polite enough, but very lost.

Jeff, a believer, taking in the presentation.

Jeff, a believer, taking in the presentation.

A young man who stopped to ask questions.

A young man who stopped to ask questions.

This appeared to be a youth group visiting the beach.  They were very encouraging.

This appeared to be a youth group visiting the beach. They were very encouraging.



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