Hello all! Our latest outreach update is below, along with upcoming outreaches. I spent last weekend at Christmas in the Park, and our focus will be there for the next month. For the last week I also had Eric Briscoe, our Open Air Campaigners field director, visiting from Boston. He has been with the ministry for over thirty years, and I couldn’t ask for a better example, or a Godlier boss. Everywhere we went he seemed to be in a Gospel conversation, almost effortlessly! It was a great time of encouragement, and a time to plan future ministry activities as well. I’ve given more details below, since prayer will be pivotal in those plans moving forward. Please look at our prayer list, and pray for the ministry daily if possible. And, of course, check out our upcoming outreaches, and join us if you are able.
Also, we will be sending out Christmas cards, so be sure to email me your home address so we can send you one! Send it to dan@yoursoulmatters.org.
12/2 and 12/3 – Christmas in the Park Outreach – Our first weekend at Christmas in the Park was amazing! Even though it should be our slowest weekend, foot traffic was good, and we had great crowds and many conversations. We also had quite a few people come out and help us, which makes a huge difference. The more people we have on the outreach team, the better the follow-up. The preaching is not just an end in itself, but is also largely a means to start one-on-one conversations. We need you for those one-on-ones! Thanks to the Testa family, the Murphys, Scott, Tim, and the others who joined us.
Of all the interactions we had, our time with Eddie was the best. He is a young man who came to watch my second presentation on Friday night. I was using the God Is Nowhere message, which talks about the existence of God and the moral law. Eddie came up with about 12 of his friends, and when I started explaining the message and talking about God, he stepped forward and very vocally proclaimed himself to be an atheist. The presentation went very well, and I could tell the Spirit was working on him and his friends. At one point several of his friends started walking away when we were addressing God’s law. I said “Don’t leave yet. I don’t want you to just hear the bad news. You need to hear the good news.” All of them came back and listened to the rest of the message. At the end of the message, when Eric started talking to him, he said the message really made sense, and he didn’t think he could call himself an atheist anymore! What a blessing!! Eric talked to him for quite a while, and it went very well. Pray God continues to work on his heart.
Prayer Requests:
Christmas in the Park – Please pray that out outreaches continue to be as good through the rest of the month, and that we have good teams for every outreach.
New Locations – Eric and I spent a good amount of time scouting for kids club locations. With the bad weather it may be a month or two before we can start running one, but we want to be prepared when the weather improves. We also need teams to go out with us. A neighborhood kids club isn’t something I can run along. Also, if we are outside our local area we need local churches to partner with and point people to for follow-up and fellowship. Please prayerfully consider how you and your church can assist.
I’m also in the process of making contacts and gathering information for outreach at Stanford University. I friend has contacts on one of the campus Christian clubs, and I would really like to see that venue open up. Please pray it does.
Financial Support – While God has provided for every need our family has, our support level has been pretty stagnant over the last year, which means I’m working side jobs to help pay the bills. I would much rather be on the streets sharing the Gospel, and developing new locations. This will be pivitol to both kids club ministry and additional college ministry. Please pray about how you might help, and consider passing this on to others how might pray for us, join us on the streets, or support us financially.
Thanks, and God bless.
Dan B.
- Scott talking to a lady after one of our messages
- A large crowd of teens. This was a very fruitful presentation!
- Eric Briscoe preaching with the sketch board
- Eric approached this man, who was very vile and sarcastic toward the message
- One of Eric’s sketches
- Scott again, talking to another young man who stopped to watch. God used the sketch board to spark many one-on-one conversations
- Eric talking to a gentleman who knew he needed help, and who was interested in church
- Another message by Eric
- Scott sharing Christ with a couple
- Even when we stopped at the mall for a cup of coffee, Eric was busy sharing Christ with people
- Sharing a Christmas message, The Reason for the Season
Christmas in the Park Outreaches (see below)
Oakland or Berkeley Outreach – Wednesday, December 14th, 11AM to 2PM
Christmas in the Park Outreaches – As usual, I will be focusing much of my ministry time in December on Christmas in the Park, in downtown San Jose. Foot traffic will be very heavy, and tracts go out very easily. It is also a great place for the sketch board. Please plan on joining me for a few of these days, if at all possible. If you plan on coming, let me know so I can add you to the outreach list. Thanks!
Friday, December 9th, 6PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 10th, 6PM to 10PM
Friday, December 16th, 6PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 17th, 6PM to 10PM
Wednesday, December 21st, 6PM to 9PM
Friday, December 23rd, 6PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 24th, 12PM to 4PM
Wednesday, December 28th, 6PM to 9PM
Friday, December 30th, 6PM to 9PM
Saturday, December 31st, 6PM to 10PM
I am planning to add additional Christmas in the Park outreaches, but dates are yet to be determined. Stay tuned for more!
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