Hello all! Our latest ministry report, along with a list of upcoming outreaches, is attached. There are a few less this time, since I had family come to town, and I’ve been working more side jobs trying to prepare financially for Christmas outreach at Christmas in the Part, but we still had some really good times of ministry. I hope they are an encouragement. Also, PLEASE set aside a couple days to come to Christmas in the Park if you can. It is without a doubt the best outreach opportunity of the year, with tens of thousands coming out every weekend. You don’t want to miss it!
A couple specific prayer requests:
- Please pray for increased support, particularly for this coming month. I want to spend as much time as possible at Christmas in the Park.
- My boss Eric will be visiting town in about a week, and I’m hoping to spend a fair amount of time working with him on scouting out locations for kids clubs. I’ve felt for a while that this is a piece of my ministry that is lacking, and by God’s grace, I’m praying that will change.
- I’m working on joining a medical sharing ministry, so I can have medical coverage for my family. Please pray God sets all the pieces in place.
Thanks! Please pass this on if you are encouraged.
11/9 – San Jose State Outreach – This was a bit of a quiet day, but still good. I preached and read scripture aloud, and several people came by and took literature. I also had good conversation with several believers. Robert was a student, and Lexi and Vashtai were working a nearby Real Options (abortion alternatives) ministry table. All were interested in what I was doing, and chatted for a while. I think I was able to encourage them.
11/11 – Redwood City Outreach – This outing started slow, but ended up as one of the most fruitful nights I’ve had in a while. I set up the board, and got little response for the first hour-and-a-half. After that, it got very busy. I had two particularly good conversations. One was with two young Muslim girls from Saudi Arabia. For there safety I can’t go into too much detail, or share names and pictures, but it was an amazing exchange! One seemed particularly excited about the idea that they could know they had peace with God. Please pray God continues to work on their hearts. After I talked to them I met with a middle-eastern couple who saw me walking through a sketchboard presentation with a young man, and were very encouraged. The husband asked if I could join him and some friends for outreach. They wanted to learn about street ministry. He and three friends ended up joining me Sunday in San Francisco this last Sunday! See below for details.
11/16 – Berkeley Outreach – This was our first time in downtown Berkeley, and it was great time of ministry! We drew quite a few people with tracts and sketchboard messages, and ended up with a particularly good crowd when a very angry atheist stopped by for a while to debate us. We were invited by Dave with SOS Ministries, who witnesses there regularly with the SOS team, and he and Tim had some good conversations too. I’ll definitely be adding that spot to our regular outreach rotation.
11/19 – Downtown Santa Cruz Outreach – It was a very cold and rainy night in Santa Cruz, so I took the hand-held sketchboard and did quite a bit of Bible reading. As is so often the case in Santa Cruz, I got to talk with some interesting characters. Ben was friendly, but I think he was more interested in expressing his own rather odd views than listening to mine, although he did ask some interesting questions and took a Bible. Gareth’s views were all over the man, and didn’t have any logical foundations, but he listen and seemed very interested in what I shared about Christ and the Bible. Finally, Kelly was a Jewish homeless lady who joined in the conversation with Gareth, and then stayed longer to talk. She was pretty smart, and more informed than most. Apparently she spends as much time as she can at the public library. But she still seemed confused on the issue of salvation. We talked for a long time, and I ended up walking her to the coffee shop and buying her a cup of chai before I left. Pray God keeps working on her.
11/20 – San Francisco Waterfront Outreach – This was a truly blessed time! Tim and I joined Frank, who I had met in Redwood City, and several of his friends for an afternoon of ministry in San Francisco. We met by the Ferry Building, prayed together for the ministry, and spent some time talking about the basics of Biblical evangelism. Then I gave several sketchboard presentations while the others passed out tracts and engaged people in conversation. Gus, one of Frank’s friends, also took a turn reading scripture aloud. When we neared the end of the day, I ended up with several very active hecklers, that caused many to stop and listen, and also started some good conversations. For a first time out, Frank and his friends did very well. I was encouraged, and I believe they were took. I’m sure they will be joining me again on the streets sometime.
- Set up near the downtown Berkeley BART station
- Dave speaking with a young man who stopped to listen to the preaching.
- Tim passing out tracts near BART
- This Jehovah’s Witness stopped, tried to make a theological point, then ran (almost literally) before we could challenge him.
- Speaking to a homeless man who claimed to know Christ, then wanted to talk about going to get another round of drugs. He got very angry when when challenged him on that.
- Speaking with a very angry athiest, who helped draw a good crowd.
- This homeless man talked to Tim for a while, and took a Bible
- Tim talking to a young man in San Francisco, near the Ferry Building. We’ve seen him in that area before.
- Talking with a couple, who professed to know Christ, but did not know the Gospel. Please pray for them.
- Preaching on the San Francisco waterfront
- A couple who joined us on the street engaging a very spiritually confused man
- This man, who just wanted to be known as “a human being”, was very intelligent, but have a totally incoherent and contradictory world view. We talked for a long time. Pray God transforms his mind and heart.
Our upcoming outreaches are listed below. Please let me know if you can join us for any of them,
Dan B.
San Jose Downtown Outreach (replacing San Jose State) – Wednesday, November 23rd, 11AM to 2PM – Since San Jose State does not have classes on the 23rd, I will be preaching in San Jose and walking and praying around Caesar Chavez Park, in preparation for Christmas in the Park. Come and join me if you can.
Black Friday Outreach – Friday, November 25th – 11AM to 3PM 6PM to 9PM – Tracting at the crosswalk between Santana Row and Valley Fair on Stevens Creek Blvd. I will arrive earlier if I can.
San Francisco Outreach – Wednesday, November 30th, 11AM to 3PM
San Jose State Outreach – Wednesday, December 7th, 11AM to 2PM
Oakland Outreach – Wednesday, December 14th, 11AM to 2PM
Christmas in the Park Outreaches – As usual, I will be focusing much of my ministry time in December on Christmas in the Park, in downtown San Jose. Foot traffic will be very heavy, and tracts go out very easily. It is also a great place for the sketch board. Please plan on joining me for a few of these days, if at all possible. If you plan on coming, let me know so I can add you to the outreach list. Thanks!
Friday, December 2nd, 7PM to 10PM
Saturday, December 3rd, 6PM to 10PM
Friday, December 9th, 7PM to 10PM
Saturday, December 10th, 6PM to 10PM
Friday, December 16th, 7PM to 10PM
Saturday, December 17th, 6PM to 10PM
Wednesday, December 21st, 6PM to 9PM
Friday, December 23rd, 7PM to 10PM
Saturday, December 24th, 12PM to 4PM
Wednesday, December 28th, 6PM to 9PM
Friday, December 30th, 7PM to 10PM
Saturday, December 31st, 6PM to 10PM
I am planning to add additional Christmas in the Park outreaches, but dates are yet to be determined. Stay tuned for more!
Long Term Events
Silicon Valley Comic Con – April 21st to 23rd, 2017
Fanime Con 2017 – May 26th to 29th, 2017
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